Project Information

Maliyah's Affirmation App

My daughter is dealing with anxiety and learning how to handle different emotions so I wanted to design something to help her with this. She needed something that she could easily access when she is having an anxiety episode that would boost her self-esteem, help her have faith in herself and let her know she is not alone even when I am not with her. This app has a home page which is her starting point and describes her she can use this app. Then the emotions page where she can click on an emotion and it will give her advice on how to deal with that emotion. Black girl magic page which is her affirmation page giving her a boost to her confidence and lastly she has a self-care page where she can have fun with her favorite things to do. I programmed this app using HTML and styled with Bootstrap and CSS. She has a navigation bar that allows her to navigate to the other pages. Each page is unique, colorful with her favorite colors and has a different theme which is something she loves. I added hover effect to the navigation buttons which changes color and displays the tittle of the button when hovered over. Across the app there are affirmations to consistently build her up and shower her with love and positivity.