Project Page
Welcome to my Project Page. Read all project's description and have fun interacting with them!!!

Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See
In this project, the eyes will follow the mouse cursor around the screen. If you are viewing on a tablet or phone click around the purple box and the eyes will follow you. Have fun with this project and know that my eyes are on you at all times lol.

Visit my Eyes Repository on Github to view the code for this project

How Many Stops Do I Have?

In this project, I imported a nighttime map of Brooklyn and added a starter marker between Fulton St and Kingston Ave using an API key from MTA. Then when you press the button the marker will move along Fulton Street through all the stops the B25 bus makes until you get to Clermont Ave. I picked this route because this is the bus route I traveled everyday to get to and from school. Press the button to see the markers move along my old school bus route.

Visit my Bus Tracker Repository on Github to view the code for this project

PacMan Game

In this project, when you press the add PacMan button pacmen will load into the box, add as many as you like. Then press the start game button and the pacmen will move across the screen until they hit the box which causes them to reverse their direction. Add some pacmen and start the game to see it in action.
PacMan Repository